The Social Security Administration (“SSA”) and hearing offices still remain closed to the public at large due to COVID-19. However, the local Social Security offices are offering scheduled office visits for dire need situations only. You can only show up at your local Social Security office if SSA has scheduled an appointment for you due to some extraordinary circumstance. The hearing offices remain closed to the public in all circumstances.
As pandemic hot pockets continue to pop up in sections of the country, I do not expect that this will change anytime soon, especially as we get ready to enter the flu season. Thus, we continue to perform all hearings telephonically. It has worked surprisingly well so far and we have only experienced a few technical difficulties, usually due to an expert being in a remote area with poor phone reception.
SSA announced this month that they will begin to offer online video hearings this Fall for claimants interested in utilizing video. The service will be offered on a Microsoft team platform. We have been ensured that the platform is both stable and secure.
I have not heard when SSA plans to start conducting these video hearings specifically. Currently, all hearing notices are indicating the hearings are still telephonic in nature. I have also heard that the video platform is optional. Thus, do not worry if you do not have access to a device that has a camera. Believe me, I know plenty of people who still have flip phones. We will be able to continue with telephonic hearings in such instances.
To be honest, you normally cannot see a person’s disability. Thus, I am not sure how much the video interaction adds to the process. I understand why some claimants want to wait for an in-person hearing, as they feel a call or a video screen marginalizes the hearing experience, but when it comes to a telephonic versus a video hearing, it makes little difference to me. Thus, I will let my clients choose what they are most comfortable with for the hearing experience. When I know more about the process, I will offer more insight. For now, you can read about the potential video hearings at:
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