Clients often
call us with questions concerning a letter they receive indicating that they
have been scheduled for a “Consultative Examination”. Most clients want to know
what the exam is and if they have to attend. Clients are also curious as to who
has scheduled this exam and what doctor they will be seeing. Here is some basic
information and insight about Social Security medical exams.
What is the
Consultative Examination?
A fairly
high percentage of individuals who file for either Social Security Disability
benefits or Supplemental Security Income benefits will be required to go to a
medical examination by the Social Security Administration. Social Security
Disability exams are called Consultative
Examinations (“CE exam”). CE exams can be physical in nature, psychological
(IQ testing), or psychiatric in nature. They can also include ophthalmological exams,
blood work, and the taking of x-rays. The Disability Office that schedules your
exam also pays for the CE exam and any necessary tests. The exam is scheduled
with a doctor closest to your home zip code, so it is important that you always
notify your attorney when you move or change addresses.
Why is a Consultative Examination being scheduled in my case?
your medical records don’t say as much about your condition as you might think
they should. For example, your doctor’s notes might only say that you
complained of low back pain and you were prescribed a pain medication. In other
instances, your medical records are hand written and impossible to read, or
information from your doctor may be incomplete. In some cases, clients have not
been to see a doctor recently. Limited documentation such as this does not give
the disability examiner reviewing your case sufficient information about how
your condition limits your ability to function and work.
CE exams are
requested by disability examiners (examiners handle initial disability
applications) and also by Administrative Law Judges at the disability hearing
level. The purpose of these exams is to obtain additional medical information
and documentation for an adjudicator (a disability examiner or a judge) to
arrive at a decision. Disability examinations that are scheduled by a
disability examiner or a disability judge are mandatory and failure to attend can result in a decision based on
existing evidence, or the closure of a case for failure to comply. However, if
you miss a scheduled exam and have a valid reason for this happening, an
examiner will usually allow for the examination to be rescheduled.
examinations are performed by independent physicians and psychologists who have
contracted to examine disability claimants and provide written reports
afterwards. The doctors who perform these exams are not Social Security
doctors. They are not employed by the Social Security Administration,
rather they are independent contractors who are paid for their services. In
addition to performing an examination, physicians and psychologists who perform
CE exams are required to submit the written results of an examination. Please
keep in mind that Social Security CE exams are not for the purpose of
rendering medical treatment or making the decision on your claim. The purpose
of these exams is to provide a recent snapshot of your conditions and various
How long does the exam take?
One of the
most common complaints among our clients who have gone to CE examinations is
that the duration of the exam was only 5-10 minutes. The length of the exam
will vary depending on the type of exam a claimant is sent to. Examinations for
physical allegations can be relatively brief (10-15 minutes is not abnormal),
while a mental exam can take considerably longer due to the nature of
psychological or psychiatric testing.
required to go to a medical exam by Social Security is no cause for alarm.
Getting an appointment letter for a CE examination means, at the very least,
that your claim is actively being worked on.
- Arrive a few minutes early
for the exam. If you show up late, the doctor may refuse to see you, and
the exam would have to be rescheduled. This can add further delay to the
processing of your claim.
- If you have children, leave
them with someone during your exam so that you will be able to give the
doctor your full attention.
- When you go to the exam,
always bring a government issued picture ID, like a driver’s license.
- Take any medications or pill
bottles with you to the exam, and any necessary braces, canes, eyeglasses,
or hearings aids that you use.
- Have someone go with you to
the examination and observe.
- Takes notes during and after
the examination. How long did the doctor see you? What questions were
asked? Were any tests performed?
- Cooperate to the best of
your ability during the exam. The doctor may ask you to do something that
is uncomfortable. Not trying or refusing to do something the doctor asks,
can make a difference in how your disability is viewed.
- Be honest and don’t pretend
to be better or worse than you are.