Tuesday, March 17, 2020

SSDI/SSI Hearings To Be Conducted By Phone For Now

Quick Update!

I have not been called on any of my cases yet (I don't have Court until next Tuesday), but it sounds like the Office of Hearings Operations ("OHOs") are going to have us do the SSDI/SSI hearings by phone indefinitely due to the social distancing requirements from the coronavirus. We can also request a postponement, but as there is no guarantee that the hearing will be put back on schedule in a timely manner, this may not be the best option. It sounds like SSA may call from a private phone number to confirm the best phone number to reach you at for the hearing, so do not expect to see a (866) or (800) number on your caller ID if you hear from SSA directly .
We all have to come up with creative solutions during this difficult time, so I applaud SSA for trying to keep these cases on calendar.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Social Security Offices Close For in-Person Service Beginning March 17th Due to Coronavirus

The Social Security Administration ("SSA") just announced that they are closing their local offices for in-person visits beginning tomorrow, March 17th, 2020, due to the coronavirus. People will still have access to SSA's online services and phone appointments are still available. You just cannot physically go into your local SSA office. Those who already had SSA in-person office visits scheduled will have their appointments via telephone conference instead.

Understandably, SSA is doing their part to limit the spread of the virus. Social isolation seems to be key at this point to prevent the spread of the virus. The good news is SSA is still operational. We only deal with SSA online and by phone anyhow, so this should not affect our ability to work on your cases.

As far as we know, the Offices of Hearings Operations ("OHO") remain open for business. Thus, there is no indication any disability hearings are being canceled. If we hear otherwise, I will certainly post it on this blog. I will also call those of you who have hearings scheduled if the government postpones them.

Here is the link to the press release from SSA notifying us of their in-person office closure: https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/releases/2020/#3-2020-2

I am so sorry folks. I know this has been an awful couple of weeks on multiple fronts. I just hope that you all stay well and don't go stir crazy. Hunker down at home if you can. Hopefully you all got the toilet paper that I was silly enough to think would be available at the stores. Most of all, take care of each other. This virus has affected our whole planet. The one good thing that may come out of this is that we will start to recognize that "we are all in this together" and maybe it will help restore our ability to display kindness and empathy, as well as collaborate with one another. That would be a nice change on the political front, wouldn't it?