Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why Haven’t I Received My Retroactive Benefits?

Have you been granted Social Security Disability benefits, but not received your retroactive benefits yet? You are not alone. We have been seeing significant delays when it comes to the release of retroactive benefits by the Social Security Administration.

Retroactive benefits are the benefits that accrue while a claimant waits for his/her Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income case to be granted.  On average, claimants would start their monthly benefits and then the retroactive benefits would be released within three months that the monthly benefit commenced. However, we have been seeing extreme delays in the release of these retroactive benefits over the last year or so.

Some local Social Security offices are estimating that it is taking certain branches of the payment center an additional eight to twelve months to release these retroactive benefits. The excuse that is being cited is that the payment centers are extremely backlogged and are understaffed. Thus, Social Security is concentrating on just meeting the demands of getting the monthly benefit started as the first priority. Processing the retroactive benefits is being pushed on to the back burner.

Social Security did tell me that if a claimant could prove a “dire need” situation, then the Administration would try to release the retroactive benefits sooner. For example, retroactive benefits may be released sooner if a claimant can show that he/she lacks food and is unable to obtain it, lacks critical medication or medical treatment, or lacks shelter. A claimant can submit eviction notices, foreclosure notices, shut-off notices, and other items to substantiate the claim that his/her case meets the “dire need” standard to expedite the retroactive benefit processing. Claimants who also suffer from terminal illnesses or are designated “wounded warriors” from active duty injuries may also see their retroactive benefits processed more quickly than other beneficiaries.  

We wish we could guarantee that your retroactive benefits will be released timely. However, that is not always the case. Attorneys are not even able to contact the payment centers directly. Like claimants, we must use the local Social Security offices as liaisons to the payment centers, as Social Security does not make their payment centers’ phone numbers public.

We have to put pressure on the local Social Security offices to encourage them to intervene with the payment center on our clients’ behalves. Managers at the local Social Security offices will send “manager to manager” status inquires to the various payment centers when retroactive benefits haven’t been released after an exorbitant amount of time. Therefore, we can make some leeway in retroactive benefits processing times if we have cooperative managers at the Social Security Administration’s local level. We do hope that timeframes will improve at all branches of Social Security over the next several years, but it would require that Social Security hire more employees to serve the large number of Social Security applicants and recipients.  That does not seem likely under the current Administration.

Got a question about SSDI or SSI that you need us to answer? Please check out our website at . We try to provide you with helpful information on our website that will allow you to successfully navigate the Social Security Disability process. Also, feel free to email me your questions at or call me at (800) 459-3017 x 103.