Friday, August 1, 2014

Planning to Endure the Social Security Disability Process

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) and/or Supplemental Security Income (“SSI) benefits takes some planning as it is not a quick process. Remember, these are Federal benefits, so you are at the mercy of bureaucratic timeframes and increasing backlogs. Due to the fact that the majority of people are denied initially, it is not surprising to learn, that it can take between eighteen months to two years to get a claim resolved.

 This can be a great financial burden for a claimant. If someone is too disabled to work, how can he/she survive the lengthy application and appeal process? This is not an easy question to answer. However, we have put together some tips that may help you survive the government backlog.

1.       Check to see if you paid into the State Disability system – California is unique in that it has a State Disability system. Most States do not. Assuming you have paid into it, the State will provide a disabled individual economic benefits for up to one year. These benefits are administered through the Employment Development Department (“EDD”).  Please note that the State has strict timeframes for applying, so if you are disabled Californian, please contact the State at as soon as possible. 

2.       Check to see if your employer sponsored a Long-term Disability policy for you – Some companies include Long-term Disability policies in their benefits packets. Often, employees do not even realize that they have these policies in place to help protect them in the event they become disabled. If you are not sure whether you had a Long-term Disability policy through your former employer, contact the Human Resources (“HR”) department for that employer.  HR will be able to confirm whether your benefit package included a Long-term Disability policy.

3.       Contact other Federal, State and County programs to see if you may qualify for their benefit programs – Depending on your assets, you may be able to qualify for General Relief, food stamps, government housing, and/or In-Home Health Services.  Contact the administrators of these programs to determine your eligibility.

 Applying for SSDI/SSI is a lengthy process. Having a financial plan in place before you start the process can help to eliminate some of the stress you may have as you navigate the Social Security Disability system.

 Got a question that you need answered? Please check out our website at . We try to provide you with valuable information on our website that may help you navigate the Social Security Disability process. Also, feel free to shoot us an email at or call us at (800) 459-3017.